
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

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Number Title Codes
SOCIOL 89S First-Year Seminar
SOCIOL 110 Sociological Inquiry CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 125FS Languages, Margins, Borders: Representations, Practices, and Policies CCI, SS
SOCIOL 140FS On Suffering: How Science and Stories Shape Us EI, ALP
SOCIOL 148S Empires in Modern European History CCI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 151S Sports and Society CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 160 Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4) CCI, SS
SOCIOL 160D Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4) CCI, SS
SOCIOL 171 Anthropologists in the Workplace: Applied Anthropology CCI, SS
SOCIOL 172 The Anthropology of Design and User Experience (UX) Research EI, R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 173S The Ways and Wisdom of First-Gen College Students CCI, R, SS
SOCIOL 178FS Refugees, Rights, and Resettlement CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 179FS Visualizing Society QS, SS
SOCIOL 180S Society, the Self, and the Natural World CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 190FS Topics in Focus Program
SOCIOL 190S Seminar in Special Topics
SOCIOL 195 Critical Approaches to Global Issues CCI, W, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 196FS Patient and Research Participant Activism and Advocacy STS, W, SS
SOCIOL 197FS Freedom and the Market EI, W, SS
SOCIOL 202 Race, Power, and Identity: From Ali to Kaepernick CCI, EI, R, SS
SOCIOL 204S Union Activism EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 208S Transnational Feminism CCI, EI, R, SS
SOCIOL 210 Contemporary Social Problems CCI, SS
SOCIOL 211 Social Inequality CCI, SS
SOCIOL 214 Politics of Policing SS
SOCIOL 215 Sociology of Racism in America CCI, EI, R, SS
SOCIOL 217S Introduction to Digital Feminism R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 218 Sex, Gender, and Society CCI, SS
SOCIOL 219 Juvenile Delinquency CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 220 Causes of Crime EI, SS
SOCIOL 221 Eastern Europe in Transition: Markets, Media, and the Mafia CCI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 222 Inequalities in the US Criminal Justice System CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 223 Data Analytics and Visualization for Business SS
SOCIOL 225 Intimate Inequalities: The State of American Families CCI, R, SS
SOCIOL 227 Leadership and Collaboration CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 228 Incarceration Nation CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 230 Just Laws: Inequalities in the U.S. Legal System EI, SS
SOCIOL 230S Embodied Blackness EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 231S Life on Drugs CCI, STS, SS
SOCIOL 232 Data Visualization for Social Science STS, QS, SS
SOCIOL 237 Internet, Technology, and Capitalism CCI, EI, STS, CZ
SOCIOL 240 Love and Loneliness: What's Happening to Relationships in the Twenty-First Century? CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 242S Bodies at Work EI, SS
SOCIOL 243 Controlling Women: Women, Crime, & Social Control SS
SOCIOL 250 Medical Sociology EI, SS
SOCIOL 252A From Enlightenment Culture to Popular Culture CCI, FL, SS
SOCIOL 253A The Return of the Collective (Psychosocial Approach Contemporary Spain) Theatre, Culture, & Identity FL, ALP
SOCIOL 254S Criminal Theatre: Sex and Justice CCI, EI, W, CZ
SOCIOL 255 Sociology of Immigration and Health CCI, SS
SOCIOL 256S Just Work: Restorative Justice Models and Applications CCI, EI, W, CZ
SOCIOL 257 From Madness to Mental Disorders: Sociology of Mental Health CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 258 Markets and Marketing CCI, R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 259S Contemporary South Africa CCI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 263 Aging and Health Policies EI, W, SS
SOCIOL 264 Death and Dying EI, SS
SOCIOL 265 Drug Use and Abuse: Getting High in the United States EI, SS
SOCIOL 267S Global Cold War CCI, EI, W, CZ
SOCIOL 272S Sexuality and the Law CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 273S Gender and Media CCI, SS
SOCIOL 280T Applied Sociology Research R, SS
SOCIOL 281T Applied Sociology Research R, SS
SOCIOL 283S Death, Burial, and Justice in the Americas EI, SS
SOCIOL 285S Critical Pedagogy of Hip Hop CCI, EI, ALP, SS
SOCIOL 288 History of Inequality CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 290 Advanced Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 290A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 290S Seminar in Special Topics
SOCIOL 291 Independent Study for Nonmajors
SOCIOL 293 Research Independent Study for Non-Majors R
SOCIOL 294A Political Economy of Immigration CCI, SS
SOCIOL 295S Sex Work: The Politics of Sexual Labor CCI, SS
SOCIOL 302S South Africa and the World CCI, R, W, SS
SOCIOL 305S Black Geographies: Borders, Boundaries & Blackness in the U.S. CCI, SS
SOCIOL 308SA Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham and Beyond CCI, CZ
SOCIOL 309S Carceral Geographies: Explaining Mass Incarceration in the U.S. CCI, SS
SOCIOL 313 How to Study Inequality SS
SOCIOL 314S Race and Medicine CCI, SS
SOCIOL 322S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 323S Social Movements in Age of Globalization CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 324S The University as a Culture: A Survivor's Guide CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 325A International Business CCI, SS
SOCIOL 330 Bad Behavior EI, STS, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 331 Women at Work: Gendered Experience of Corporate Life CCI, STS, SS
SOCIOL 332 Methods of Social Research R, W, SS
SOCIOL 333 Quantitative Analysis of Sociological Data QS, SS
SOCIOL 335 Comparative Health Care Systems CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 338 Theory and Society CCI, W, SS
SOCIOL 339 Marxism and Society EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 341 The United States and the Asian Pacific Region CCI, R, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 343 Displacements: Migration and Human Trafficking CCI, EI, R, ALP, SS
SOCIOL 344 Technology and Organizational Environments CCI, R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 345 Nations, Regions, and the Global Economy CCI, R, SS
SOCIOL 346 Social Movements and Social Problems in Contemporary Spain CCI, EI, FL, SS
SOCIOL 346A Social Movements and Social Problems in Contemporary Spain CCI, EI, FL, SS
SOCIOL 346S Asians in American Higher Education: Trends and Issues CCI, EI, R, SS
SOCIOL 347 Managing Networks: Research and Applications of Network Analysis to Business Organizations R, SS
SOCIOL 351 Life and Death: Global Perspectives CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 352S Sociology through Photography ALP, SS
SOCIOL 354 Getting Rich: Financial Markets, Household Finance, and Wealth R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 355 Organizations and Management EI, STS, SS
SOCIOL 359 The Sociology of Entrepreneurship CCI, SS
SOCIOL 360 Global Apple: Life and Death and the Digital Revolution EI, STS, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 360S Global Apple: Life and Death and the Digital Revolution EI, STS, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 361 Social Determinants of US Health Disparities SS
SOCIOL 364S Race, Gender, and Sexuality CCI, SS
SOCIOL 365 The Modern Regulatory State
SOCIOL 365D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 367S Studying Society with AI R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 372S Language and/in the Media SS
SOCIOL 374 Pigging Out: The Cultural Politics of Food CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 375S Masculinities & Global Politics CCI, W, SS
SOCIOL 377S Language & Identity: How We Construct Identities and Reproduce Social Hierarchies Through Language R, SS
SOCIOL 387 Reimagining the World Together: Why Friendship Matters for Our Future CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 388S Food, Culture, and Society CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 389S Field Ethics (DukeImmerse) EI, R, W, ALP, SS
SOCIOL 390 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 390S Seminar in Special Topics
SOCIOL 390SA Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 391 Independent Study
SOCIOL 393 Research Independent Study R
SOCIOL 425 Intellectual Property and Innovation: Law, Policy & Entrepreneurship EI, STS, SS
SOCIOL 430S What's Next: Women, Leadership, Purpose EI, R, W, SS
SOCIOL 442 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, ALP, SS
SOCIOL 442S Global Inequality Research Seminar CCI, R, SS
SOCIOL 450S The Global Caribbean CCI, EI, R, SS
SOCIOL 471S Language and Politics: Global Perspectives CCI, SS
SOCIOL 490 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 490S Senior Research Seminar in Rotating Special Topics
SOCIOL 495S Sociology Honors Seminar I R, SS
SOCIOL 496S Sociology Honors Seminar II W, SS
SOCIOL 502S Race, Class, and Gender in the University CCI, EI, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 521S Black Ethnographers EI, SS
SOCIOL 541 The United States and the Asian Pacific Region CCI, R, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 590 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 641S Proseminar in Medical Sociology (Special Topics) SS
SOCIOL 642 Global Inequality Research CCI, R, SS
SOCIOL 647 Surviving Globalization: The Global South and the Development Imagination CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 690 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 690S Seminar in Selected Topics
SOCIOL 699S Qualitative Methods in Sociology R, SS
SOCIOL 700S Surveillance, Technology, and Capitalism
SOCIOL 701 Current Debates and Professional Concerns in Sociology
SOCIOL 702 Second-Year Paper Workshop
SOCIOL 703 Modern Plain-Text Computing
SOCIOL 710 Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 716S Capitalism
SOCIOL 720 Survey Research Methods
SOCIOL 720S Logic of Inquiry
SOCIOL 722 Social Statistics I: Linear Models
SOCIOL 723 Social Statistics II: Advanced Techniques
SOCIOL 726S Advanced Methods of Demographic Analysis
SOCIOL 728 Advanced Methods: Introduction to Social Networks
SOCIOL 729S Structural Equation Modeling
SOCIOL 750S Proseminar in Population Studies (Special Topics)
SOCIOL 760S Proseminars in Social Institutions and Processes (Special Topics)
SOCIOL 765S Proseminar: Topics in Social Stratification
SOCIOL 770S Proseminar in Social Psychology (Special Topics)
SOCIOL 771S Precarity and Affect
SOCIOL 775S Sociology of Religion
SOCIOL 776 The Social Organization of American Religion
SOCIOL 780T Applied Sociology Research
SOCIOL 781T Applied Sociology Research
SOCIOL 790S Seminar in Selected Topics
SOCIOL 791 Individual Research in Sociology
SOCIOL 880 Special Topics in Sociology