Upcoming Events

September 26, -
SSRI-Gross Hall 270

This study uses data from the U.S. Department of State and other sources to examine inequalities in the use of visas to regulate population mobility to the United States. The results show that… read more about Global inequalities in U.S. visa rejection rates: Evidence from the outcomes of U.S visa applications submitted over the past two decades. »

October 24, -
SSRI-Gross Hall 270

Most research on housing and health focuses on housing affordability and stability, although housing quality remains an important determinant of child health disparities. Federal housing assistance… read more about Understanding the Structural Determinants of Population Health: Housing Assistance and Lead Exposure in the United States »

November 14, -
SSRI-Gross Hall 270

This presentation highlights the recent scholarship of David Figlio, who popularized the use of matched birth-school data to address public health and education policy questions in the field of… read more about How population-level matched birth-school administrative records can address public health and education policy questions »