Registration now open for the Summer!
SOCIOL 110 and SOCIOL 332 are both required courses for the Sociology major.
If your Spring/Fall schedule is normally unaccommodating due to practices and other obligations, Summer is a great time to complete these major requirements.
SOCIOL 110-01
Monday-Friday 3:30-4:45pm
Introduction to social networks, groups, organizations and institutions with a focus on the contemporary US. The impact of technology on social interaction and cultural change. Investigation of cultural and social construction of individual characteristics (e.g., race, gender) as well as of scientific and professional standards. Ethical controversies surrounding health care, education, income inequality, and related topics.
SOCIOL 332-01
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-2:45pm
Principles of social research, design of sociological studies, sampling, and data collection with special attention to survey techniques.