Sociology in Service: Margaret Cole's Journey from Classroom to Capitol Hill

Image of Margaret Cole standing in front of government building with American flag atop far right

During the summer of 2024, Duke sociology junior and Air Force ROTC cadet Margaret Cole served as an intern with the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Her experience working closely with lawmakers, veterans, and legislative staff deepened her understanding of policy-making and showcased her dedication to bridging the gap between military and civilian communities.

With a scholarship from the DeJoy-Woś Family Foundation and Fund for American Studies, Cole conducted policy research, analyzed voter data, and drafted questions for Committee members’ hearings on veteran affairs.  One of her most fulfilling roles was interacting directly with veterans. "I listened to their experiences, concerns, and recommendations,” Cole said. “It gave me a human perspective on the challenges they face and how we, as a legislative body, can better serve them." 

Cole’s training in sociology provided her with tools to navigate pressing problems in the military. In her mixed methods research paper in Spring 2024, Cole studied gender differences in military mental health.  Survey analyses and in-depth interviews revealed that soldiers’ and veterans’ psychological well-being is deeply rooted in the structure of the military and society at large. Cole is continuing this line of research for her honors thesis. 

As an intern, Cole collected evidence from veterans voicing their frustrations with Congress and treatment in VA facilities. Looking through a sociological lens, she could empathize with veterans’ struggles while recognizing broader societal patterns. "It made my work that much more meaningful, knowing I wasn’t just addressing individual concerns, but systemic barriers."

Margaret Cole standing with Mike Bost to her left
Cole with Mike Bost, Chairman of the House of Representatives Veterans’ Affairs Committee

In addition to legislative tasks, Cole tracked re-election campaign data, supporting Committee efforts to maintain political momentum. “I used my research skills to help the Committee support members dedicated to improving veterans' lives,” reflected Cole. “It was one of the most incredible experiences I've had in my entire life. I finally saw how the military and legislative processes align—how our lawmakers decide which problems must be addressed and the policies necessary to tackle those issues."  

Cole's standout moment came when she took on an unexpected yet pivotal role with the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee, working directly with whistleblowers from VA facilities. "This wasn’t in my job description, but I was passionate about getting involved," she explained. "I tried to show veterans that I genuinely care and that, as someone who will serve in the military soon, I have a personal commitment to systemic change and stake in ensuring the policies we create work for them." 

Looking ahead, Cole is set to continue her journey in military and public service. She encourages other students to engage with sociology and public policy. “Sociology has shown me that individual actions matter, but we must address the larger social structures that shape our lives.”