
On Wednesday July 7, 2021, Taylor Whitten Brown successfully defended her dissertation entitled, “Qualities or Inequalities?: How Gender Shapes Value in the Market for Contemporary Art.” Her committee consisted of Christopher Bail (co-chair), James Moody (co-chair), Mor Naaman, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Martin Ruef, and Stephan Vaisey.  Taylor has accepted a Research Scientist/Software Engineer position on the Core Data Science team at Facebook. There, she will develop methods for measuring social inequalities, and continue… read more about Brown Defends Dissertation, Accepts Position with Facebook »

Along with his collaborators, Duke sociology student Pei Yi Zhuo presents findings from “Race and Home Values in Durham, North Carolina: 1940-2020” on July 20, 2021, at the Data-Intensive Research Conference.  The conference is hosted by the University of Minnesota and showcases innovative research that analyzes full count census data. In addition to Zhuo, authors include Omer Ali, Nicholas Datto, Clinton Boyd, and William Darity. read more about Sociology Undergraduate Major, Pei Yi Zhuo, Presents Research »

In 2003, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva published what would prove his seminal work of academic scholarship: Racism Without Racists. In it, the sociologist – then at Texas A&M University – challenged the notion that the United States existed as a color-blind society. The book made a splash within academia and beyond, setting the table for countless conversations about race, systemic racism and many of the divisions that continue to plague society in the US and elsewhere. Bonilla-Silva came to Duke in 2005 and since has… read more about After a Career of Challenging Racial Myths, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva Isn't Slowing Down »

Duke University has awarded distinguished professorships to 22 faculty members representing seven Duke colleges and schools.   “Our honorees are recognized as international leaders in a diverse range of fields,” said President Vincent Price. “Their research has already had a significant impact on broader society, helping to improve lives and shape our understanding of the world.” The honorees are the “successors of faculty leaders who helped define the university’s commitment to ethical scholarship, leadership… read more about Duke Awards 22 Distinguished Professorships »

When he was an undergraduate political science student, Kerry Haynie was never taught about the 1921 Tulsa massacre. Nor was there much discussion about the role of race in the founding political documents of this country or much examination of how race influenced public services such as sewer lines and zoning. In one sense, a lot has changed. In 2021, Duke’s faculty includes a strong lineup of leading scholars who examine how race is embedded in issues that cross all the schools of the university. This fall, many of… read more about University Course Raises Race as a Central Element of Undergraduate Education »

New Faculty Join NCSP Core Leadership Team The Duke site of the National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP) welcomes new faculty leadership as it enters its third year as part of this national consortium.  Dr. Naomi Duke is joining the NCSP as the School of Medicine Program Director and currently serves as an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, as well as Lecturer of Sociology in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. Click here to read full article. read more about Sociology Lecturer, Dr. Naomi Duke, Joins Duke National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP) »

Christina Kamis has been named the 2020-2021 Vorsanger-Smith Scholar.  The Vorsanger-Smith Scholar Award is presented annually to recognize overall excellence in the graduate program. Excellence is assessed for all areas of performance in the programs, including coursework, examinations, professional presentations, publications and awards, evaluated contributions as teaching and/or research assistants and departmental citizenship. The award consists of the honorary designation during the following academic year as the… read more about Kamis named Vorsanger-Smith Scholar »

EIGHT DUKE SCHOLARS EXAMINING THE MENTAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC When the world shifted abruptly in March 2020, so too did the research programs of many Duke scholars.  Faculty members in myriad fields began gathering real-time data about the pandemic, including several scholars who analyzed various aspects of its psychological impact and are working to bring help to those most affected.  Click here to read full article. read more about Meet Tyson Brown and other Duke researchers who are supporting others’ wellbeing during this difficult time »

When the world shifted abruptly in March 2020, so too did the research programs of many Duke scholars.  Faculty members in myriad fields began gathering real-time data about the pandemic, including several scholars who analyzed various aspects of its psychological impact and are working to bring help to those most affected.  Here are a few examples: The COVID-19 Family Study and Coping Together Program Eve Puffer, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience and global health, has spent much of her… read more about Eight Duke Scholars Examining the Mental Health Effects of the Pandemic »

While social media platforms can employ algorithms and other tools to help improve the level of public debate, the best way to decrease outrage and polarization is for everyone involved to be responsible for their own online behavior, three Duke experts said Wednesday. Speaking to journalists during a digital media briefing, the three scholars discussed civility, the powers and limits of big platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and the many misperceptions people have about those on the ‘other side’ of the political divide… read more about Don’t Like Online Outrage? Look Inward »

Graduate and professional programs across the university also scored impressive rankings in the U.S. News & World Report annual ranking of graduate programs released today.  Duke University School of Medicine rose to third among 122 medical schools in the nation for research.  In addition to the medical research rating, seven specialty programs in the School of Medicine placed in the top 10: Surgery (second); Anesthesiology (fourth); Internal Medicine (fifth); Radiology (sixth); Pediatrics (seventh, tied);… read more about Duke Graduate Programs Score High In Latest US News Rankings »

On Thursday, March 25, Kevin Kiley successfully defended his dissertation, "Three Papers on Culture, Time, and Attitudes." His committee consisted of Stephen Vaisey (chair), Craig Rawlings, Kieran Healy, and Christopher Johnston (Department of Political Science). Kiley has accepted a postdoctoral position at the University of Iowa's Department of Sociology and Criminology. He will be working with Yongren Shi on a project that uses computational methods to understand behavioral deviance and group radicalization in… read more about Kiley Defends Dissertation, Accepts Postdoctoral Fellow »

When he was 11, Chris Bail and his family moved from the Boston suburbs to the French Congo, a turbulent African nation whose fragile peace was routinely upended by three warring military factions. The 18 months or so living there -- while his father worked as a doctor and public health activist for the World Health Organization -- shaped Bail forever. He saw his mother nearly die when a knife was thrown near her at a market, and his father imprisoned when he refused to pay a bribe. Chris and his mother soon fled the… read more about Fighting Online Extremism »

In an era of increasing social isolation, platforms like Facebook and Twitter are among the most important tools we have to understand each other. We use social media as a mirror to decipher our place in society but it functions more like a prism that distorts our identities, empowers status-seeking extremists, and renders moderates all but invisible. Chris Bail, in conversation with Matt Perault, will discuss his book: Breaking the Social Media Prism which challenges common myths about echo chambers, foreign misinformation… read more about An Hour with Chris Bail »

Through a Collaborative Project Expedition in Summer 2020, I had the opportunity to work with Jen’nan Read to redesign her Sociology 255: Immigration and Health course. Our goal was to create hands-on, project-based learning experiences with a local community partner that would enhance in-class lectures and academic readings on immigrant and refugee health.  Jen’nan and I partnered with Rob Callus, Director of Youth Services at World Relief Durham (WRD), a federally funded agency that assists refugees by providing… read more about Community Partnerships and Real-world Data Bring Refugee Health to Life in Undergraduate Course »

Allison Stolte is the recipient of the Graduate School's 2021-2022 Phillip Jackson Baugh Fellowship for her dissertation research that examines how social stratification and state-level policies shape the intergenerational transmission of health through birth outcomes. This one-year competitive fellowship is for the promotion of careers and interest in the areas of aging and human development. The Baugh Fellowship provides an annual stipend, as well as tuition and fees. read more about Stolte Wins Baugh Fellowship »

Duke Sociology Major, Syann Cadogan, was selected as one of five undergraduates to represent Duke at the 2021 ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference in April.  This annual meeting celebrates stellar, student-directed undergraduate research projects. Syann will present empirical results from her senior honors thesis, “An International Comparison of COVID-19 Rates and Policies in Prisons in the United States, China, and England.”  Mass testing has documented… read more about Duke Sociology Major, Syann Cadogan, to represent Duke at the 2021 ACC Meeting of the Minds  »

On Monday March 8, 2021, Jessica West successfully defended her dissertation entitled, “Stress Proliferation and Disability Over the Life Course.” Her committee consisted of Scott M. Lynch (co-chair), Jen’nan G. Read (co-chair), Tyson H. Brown, and Matthew E. Dupre. West has accepted a postdoctoral position within the Duke Center for the Study of Aging under the mentorship of Matthew E. Dupre (Department of Population Health Sciences) and Sherri L. Smith (Department of Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences). read more about Jessica West Defends Dissertation, Accepts Postdoctoral Fellowship »

About Liann I’m from the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, CA and attended UC Davis as an undergraduate. I knew as an undergrad I wanted to get my PhD, so my senior year I applied to doctoral programs, accepted my offer of admission, graduated in June, and was in Durham by August. My mentor was a little concerned I was taking on graduate school a bit fast, but I knew this was the right decision for me. My mentor in undergrad introduced me to the topic of networks and I immediately knew that was my focus. Choosing Duke… read more about Liann Tucker Uses Network Analysis to Study Adolescent Mental Health and Health-Risk Behaviors  »