Mark Chaves

Anne Firor Scott Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Office location

Reuben-Cooke Bldg,, Rm 348, BOX_90088, Durham, NC 27708

Professor Chaves specializes in the sociology of religion. Most of his research is on the social organization of religion in the United States. Among other projects, he directs the National Congregations Study (NCS), a wide-ranging survey of a nationally representative sample of religious congregations conducted in 1998, 2006-07, 2012, and 2018-19. NCS results have helped us to better understand many aspects of congregational life in the United States. Professor Chaves also directed the National Survey of Religious Leaders in 2019-20. He is the author of American Religion: Contemporary Trends (2nd ed., Princeton, 2017),  Congregations in America (Harvard, 2004), Ordaining Women: Culture and Conflict in Religious Organizations (Harvard, 1997), and many articles.