Spring 2024 Featured Courses

Masculinities & Global Politics

TuTh 11:45am-1:00pm
Frances Hasso

SPRING 2024: This survey course examines gun lovers, racists, Red Pill misogynists, sports fans, and fraternity brothers. It considers policing, militarism, and masculine desires, fragilities and fears. Each student is trained to conduct oral interviews with three male-identifying persons from different generations and completes a final paper based on this research.


Politics of Policing

SOCIOL 214-01
TuTh 11:45am-1:00pm
Tony Cheng

This course examines the historical and contemporary intersection between policing and politics in the U.S.  We first study the political history of policing, tracing its development from the colonial era to today.  Next, we evaluate police incentives and power, covering theories of public legitimacy and organizational independence and strategic practices used to maintain social order, especially in marginalized communities.  We then assess consequences of policing for social justice and civic incorporation.  We conclude with an eye toward policing’s future given controversies over racialized uses of force.